General Guidelines of the Offical Statistical Activity 2023-2027 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity 2023-2027 Conselho Superior de Estatística Statistical Council Portugal

67th Deliberation Framework 5 Vision for 2027 09 Objective 1 Lines of action 11 Objective 2 Lines of action 12 Objective 3 Lines of action 13 Objective 4 Lines of action 14 Index

05 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 FRAMEWORK The General Guidelines of Official Statistical Activity (LGAEO), and its priorities, are framed by Article 13 of Law No. 22/2008 of 13 May (Law of the National Statistical System) and are defined and approved by the Statistical Council (CSE). This document presents the LGAEO for the period 2023-2027, namely the Vision of the National Statistical System for 2027, the strategic objectives that allow achieving it, and the lines of action for the implementation of those objectives. It is, therefore, a strategic reference instrument of the National Statistical System, relevant to guide the activities, in the period under review, of the Statistical Council and the Statistical Authorities – Statistics Portugal (INE) and the entities with statistical functions delegated by INE, the Banco de Portugal (Portugal Central Bank), the Serviço Regional de Estatísticas dos Açores (SREA) and the Direção Regional de Estatísticas da Madeira (DREM).

06 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 The LGAEO 2023-2027 were drawn up based on the following benchmarks: • Regulation (EU) 223/2009 on European Statistics; • European Statistics Code of Practice; • Public Commitment to the European System of Central Banks in the field of European Statistics; • European Statistical Programme for 2021-2027: Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2021/690 (Internal Market Programme); And they were supported by the following documents of the Statistical Council: • Deliberations and Recommendations of the Statistical Council, namely the actions identified as priorities in the 2017-2019 Report on the Assessment of the State of the National Statistical System; • Monitoring of the Action Plan arising from the Report on the 2017-2019 Assessment of the State of the National Statistical System, approved by the Statistical Council; • Monitoring the degree of implementation of the LGAEO 2018-2022, based on the Activity Reports of the Statistical Authorities and the Statistical Council. Its preparation also considered the national and international context, in which official statistics are developed, as well as the strategies with an impact on the statistical domain and also the review of the legal framework of the National and European Statistical Systems: • Revising the Law of National Statistical System, bringing it into line with Regulation (EU) 223/2009, with a view, inter alia, to strengthening the mandate of statistical authorities to access and use administrative and private data sources to meet new information needs and reduce the reporting burden on respondents. • Revising Regulation (EU) 223/2009, adapting it to the digital age, namely by (i) allowing the European Statistical System to benefit from the potential offered

07 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 by the increasing volume of data provided by technological developments; (ii) ensuring regular access to data held by private entities, complementing the provisions of the proposal for a Regulation on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data (Data Regulation); (iii) encouraging the sharing of information within the European Statistical System. • National Strategy for the 2021-2026 Digital Transformation of Public Administration. • European Data Strategy, as part of the European Union's Digital Decade to 2030. At a time when the speed and quantity of data circulating are often associated with more misinformation, the LGAEO 2023-2027 keeps in mind the reinforced importance of official statistics as a public good, whose quality is the guarantee of the trustworthy information necessary for the functioning of democratic societies. At the same time, the growing pressure for more statistical information, available more quickly and easily accessible, creates new challenges for statistical authorities, which are reflected in their priorities for the next five years. In this context, the following stand out: • Faster production of official statistics with finer detail and more frequent availability of statistical information. • Responding to new needs for statistical information, taking as an example the initiatives developed by the Statistical Authorities to monitor the socioeconomic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. • Ensuring that the Statistical Authorities have the necessary resources, namely human resources in number and with the appropriate profile to meet the new technological, methodological, and scientific challenges currently required in the production of official statistics. This is a pressing need, which has been

08 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 expressed in previous LGAEO. It appears again, as an objective and lines of action reinforced in LGAEO 2023-2027, to support and frame the action of Statistical Authorities in raising awareness of the competent government authorities for its resolution. • The importance of cooperation with the scientific and academic communities in the development of official statistics. • Strengthening the communication strategy, as a determining factor for the affirmation of official statistics, for the promotion of statistical literacy, and to fight misinformation. • Availability of innovative products, capable of satisfying users with differentiated needs. • Promoting official statistics as a public good, reinforcing the recognition of their distinctive quality and, consequently, the trust of users, survey respondents, and data providers in the safety and independence inherent to the process of producing official statistics. • Ensuring a good perception by survey respondents, data providers, users, partners, and society at large of the process of producing official statistics, in particular concerning information security, independence, and quality.

VISION FOR 2027 In 2027, the official statistics, produced independently and securely, maintain the highest quality standards and are the reference source for the timely knowledge of Portuguese society and decision-making.

A. OBJECTIVES Maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of statistical production processes for a more comprehensive, timely, frequent, and granular supply of official statistics. Strengthen the Statistical Authorities with themost advanced technological means and promote them as reference organisations. Further improve the coordinationand cooperation mechanisms of the National Statistical System and promote cooperation with external entities. Consolidate the role of official statistics in society, finding ways to better communicate efficiently and effectively. OBJCETIVE 1 OBJECTIVE 2 OBJECTIVE 3 OBJECTIVE 4

11 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 OBJECTIVE 1 Maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of statistical production processes for a more comprehensive, timely, frequent, and granular supply of official statistics. LINES OF ACTION 1.1. Reinforcing the modernisation of production systems by integrating new sources of information, optimising processes, using innovative methodologies, and applying digital and geospatial technologies, ensuring the necessary confidentiality and data protection. 1.2. Further increase the integration of administrative data in statistical production processes, ensuring regular and consistent access to data, as well as the articulation of Statistical Authorities and public bodies in the design, development, amendment, and cessation of administrative records relevant to statistical purposes. 1.3. Increasing the access and use of data held by private entities for statistical purposes. 1.4. Broadening the supply of statistical information, increasing its coverage to emerging themes, and reinforcing the availability of regional and local statistics. B. LINES OF ACTION

12 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 1.5. Pursue the collaboration between the Statistical Authorities and the relevant Public Administration bodies, fostering the harmonisation and rationalisation of means and the quality of official statistics, namely by enabling the monitoring, within the scope of the CSE, of ongoing developments in the establishment registers. OBJECTIVE 2 Strengthen the Statistical Authorities with the most advanced technological means and promote them as reference organisations. LINES OF ACTION 2.1. Provide the Statistical Authorities with human resources in adequate numbers and profiles and with the financial and technological means necessary tomodernise the statistical production and dissemination processes, especially in the context of the current digital transformation. 2.2. Ensure the continuous training, capacity building, and enhancement of human resources working with official statistics, as well as to ensure, when necessary, their adequate replacement. 2.3. Improve the attractiveness factors of the statistical authorities' professional careers, promoting personal and professional development, and the retention of human resources suited to the needs of the National Statistical System..

13 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 OBJECTIVE 3 Further improve the coordination and cooperation mechanisms of the National Statistical System and promote cooperation with external entities. LINES OF ACTION 3.1. Optimize the organizational model of the Statistical Council, enhancing its role as a forum for strategic discussion and collaboration, based on a culture of accountability of its members. 3.2. Strengthen information sharing between Statistical Authorities, in compliance with data protection regulations. 3.3. Encourage a culture of sharing knowledge, experiences, and good practices and foster cooperation with the scientific community and academia. 3.4. Use the National Statistical System as a figure to maximize the reach of official statistics in society, namely among decision-makers. 3.5. Promote articulation and proximity between producers, suppliers, respondents, and users of official statistics. 3.6. Ensure the follow-up, by the Statistical Council, of methodological changes introduced by the Statistical Authorities in statistical operations with major economic and social impact. 3.7. Create the necessary mechanisms for compliance, by the Government and Parliament, as well as by the Autonomous Regions' organs of government, with

14 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 the provision for prior consultation with the Statistical Council, enshrined in the Law of the National Statistical System, in particular contributing to the elimination of redundancies in statistical production and to enhancing the appropriation of administrative data for statistical purposes. 3.8. Promote the relevance of the Statistical Authorities in the international statistical community and foster cooperation for development, in particular with the Portuguese-speaking countries. OBJECTIVE 4 Consolidate the role of official statistics in society, finding ways to better communicate efficiently and effectively. LINES OF ACTION 4.1. Increase visibility and improve the understanding of official statistics through a statistical communication strategy tailored to the several types of users. 4.2. Improve the usability and accessibility of official statistics. 4.3. Foster and improve the availability and harmonization of metadata that ensure the effective understanding of data sources and official statistics. 4.4. Promote the official statistics brand and its values to strengthen the trust in and use of official statistics and fight misinformation, contributing to a democratic society and protecting the fundamental rights of citizens. 4.5. Increase statistical literacy through an integrated strategy between Statistical Authorities and by strengthening partnerships.