General Guidelines of the Offical Statistical Activity 2023-2027

06 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 The LGAEO 2023-2027 were drawn up based on the following benchmarks: • Regulation (EU) 223/2009 on European Statistics; • European Statistics Code of Practice; • Public Commitment to the European System of Central Banks in the field of European Statistics; • European Statistical Programme for 2021-2027: Annex II of Regulation (EU) 2021/690 (Internal Market Programme); And they were supported by the following documents of the Statistical Council: • Deliberations and Recommendations of the Statistical Council, namely the actions identified as priorities in the 2017-2019 Report on the Assessment of the State of the National Statistical System; • Monitoring of the Action Plan arising from the Report on the 2017-2019 Assessment of the State of the National Statistical System, approved by the Statistical Council; • Monitoring the degree of implementation of the LGAEO 2018-2022, based on the Activity Reports of the Statistical Authorities and the Statistical Council. Its preparation also considered the national and international context, in which official statistics are developed, as well as the strategies with an impact on the statistical domain and also the review of the legal framework of the National and European Statistical Systems: • Revising the Law of National Statistical System, bringing it into line with Regulation (EU) 223/2009, with a view, inter alia, to strengthening the mandate of statistical authorities to access and use administrative and private data sources to meet new information needs and reduce the reporting burden on respondents. • Revising Regulation (EU) 223/2009, adapting it to the digital age, namely by (i) allowing the European Statistical System to benefit from the potential offered