General Guidelines of the Offical Statistical Activity 2023-2027

07 General Guidelines of the Official Statistical Activity for 2023-2027 by the increasing volume of data provided by technological developments; (ii) ensuring regular access to data held by private entities, complementing the provisions of the proposal for a Regulation on harmonised rules on fair access to and use of data (Data Regulation); (iii) encouraging the sharing of information within the European Statistical System. • National Strategy for the 2021-2026 Digital Transformation of Public Administration. • European Data Strategy, as part of the European Union's Digital Decade to 2030. At a time when the speed and quantity of data circulating are often associated with more misinformation, the LGAEO 2023-2027 keeps in mind the reinforced importance of official statistics as a public good, whose quality is the guarantee of the trustworthy information necessary for the functioning of democratic societies. At the same time, the growing pressure for more statistical information, available more quickly and easily accessible, creates new challenges for statistical authorities, which are reflected in their priorities for the next five years. In this context, the following stand out: • Faster production of official statistics with finer detail and more frequent availability of statistical information. • Responding to new needs for statistical information, taking as an example the initiatives developed by the Statistical Authorities to monitor the socioeconomic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. • Ensuring that the Statistical Authorities have the necessary resources, namely human resources in number and with the appropriate profile to meet the new technological, methodological, and scientific challenges currently required in the production of official statistics. This is a pressing need, which has been