Monthly Statistical Bulletin, April 2022

2022 Edition 40 MONTHLY STATISTICAL BULLETIN The first results of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) for the 2018-2020 triennium suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic will have led to increased innovation (+15.6 p.p.) in enterprises with 10 or more employees (the universe covered by the CIS) compared to the previous triennium (2016-2018). Thus, almost half (48.0%) of the enterprises reported expenditure-generating innovation activities. This figure was achieved via a greater involvement of the enterprises in process innovation (+14.7 p.p.), which now takes place in more than two out of five (42.7%). In contrast, the enterprises became less involved in product innovation (-0.7 p.p.), which is now assumed by just over one in five (22.3%). This increase resulted, above all, from the need to ensure business continuity through investment in technology and equipment that made working from home and online sales possible. Enterprises with innovation activities, by triennium In the most recent three-year period: • Almost four out of five (79.8%) enterprises with 250 or more employees reported having developed innovation activities; • Conversely, less than half (47.4%) of the enterprises with 10 to 249 employees stated that they carried out such activities. Enterprises with innovation activities according to size, 2018-2020 32.4% 28.0% 23.0% 48.0% 42.7% 22.3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% With innova�on ac�vi�es With process innova�on With product innova�on 2016-2018 2018-2020 47.4% 42.1% 21.6% 79.8% 69.6% 52.7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% With innova�on ac�vi�es With process innova�on With product innova�on 10 to 249 persons employed 250 and more persons employed The pandemic forced enterprises to innovate