SYNTHESIS INE@COVID-19, 8 Oct -2020 page 1/14 Communication Unit | tel: +351 21 842 61 10 | Statistics Portugal makes available the weekly report for monitoring the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report covers the press releases concerning: - Survey on bank evaluation on housing – August 2020, published on September 28; - Business and consumer surveys – September 2020, published on September 29; - Business turnover, employment, wage and hours worked index in retail trade – August 2020, published on September 29; - CPI/HICP Flash Estimate 2020 – September 2020, published on September 30; - Monthly Employment and Unemployment Estimates – August 2020, published on September 30; - Industrial production index – August 2020, published on September 30; - Tourism activity - Flash Estimate – August 2020, published on October 01; - Deaths by week - Preliminary data 2020, published on October 01. For further details, see the links available throughout this press release. October . 08 . 2020 SYNTH SIS IN @ COVID-19 In August, bank appraisals went up to €1,128 per square metre In August 2020, the median value of the bank appraisals on housing was €1,128/m² (€1 more than in July), representing a year-on-year increase of 7.0% (+8.0% in July). It should be noted that in August the number of bank appraisals reported (21,659), which underlies the results presented, decreased by 3.2% compared to the same month of the previous year. Of these: • 13,528 were bank appraisals of apartments; • 8,131 were bank appraisals of houses. Version rectified on page 9, replacing the graphic “Major Industrial Groupings”