COOPSTAT n.º7, julho 2012-março 2013 - page 22

Outros Países Terceiros
Other Third Countries
Workshop no âmbito do Programa TAIEX
TAIEX Programme - Workshop
A Dr.ª Rute Cruz, técnica do INE de Portugal, participou no "
Workshop on EU regulations
concerning statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air
organizado pelo TAIEX - Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument em colaboração
com a Camara de Comércio de Belgrado, no dia 27 de novembro de 2012. A técnica apresentou
os regulamentos europeus sobre a matéria, bem como a comunicação "
Key Challenges in the
production of air transport statistics
Ms. Rute Cruz from Statistics Portugal participated at the "Workshop on EU regulations
concerning statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air"
which took place in Belgrado, on 27 November, 2012. Ms. Cruz presented the Eu regulations on
the subject aswell the theme "Key Challenges in the production of air transport statistics".
The workshop was organized by TAIEX- Technical Assistance Information Assistance in co-
operationwith Belgrado Chamber of Commerce.
Em breve
Coming up
Países de Língua Portuguesa
Portuguese-speaking Countries
Lançamento da Fase 2 (2013) do Programa de Capacitação dos Sistemas Estatísticos Nacionais dos
PALOP e Timor-Leste;
Ações no âmbito da prorrogação da Fase 1 (2012) do Programa de Capacitação dos Sistemas
Estatísticos Nacionais dos PALOP e Timor-Leste;
Ações de cooperação no âmbito do Memorando de Entendimento celebrado com o INE de Angola.
Launching of Phase 2 (2013) of the Training Programme of the National Statistical Systems of the
Portuguese-speaking African Countries and Timor-Leste;
Cooperation actions in the framework of the extension of Phase 1 (2012) of the Training Programme
of the National Statistical Systems of the Portuguese-speaking African Countries and Timor-Leste;
Cooperation actions developed in the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with
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