SDG indicators for Portugal, 2015 - 2021

1 End poverty in all its forms everywhere Source: Statistics Portugal (SDG 1.2.1, SDG 1.2.2, SDG 1.3.1); Eurostat (ilc_li02, spr_exp_gdp). At-risk-of-poverty rate (after social transfers) Proportion of expenditures of social protection benefits by functions of social protection Sickness/health care Old age Expenditures of social protection benefits in % of GDP 23.1% 26.9% 2020 +3.4 pp than in 2020 2019 2019 Proportion of unemployed population looking for a new job and receiving unemployment benefits 39.1% 2021 26.7% 49.4% Total PT 0-17 years 18-64 years ≥ 65 years In work Unemployed 18.4% 46.5% 11.2% 20.1% 17.2% 20.4% 19.2% 17.5% 18.0% Retired