Monthly Statistical Bulletin, march 2022

2022 Edition 8 MONTHLY STATISTICAL BULLETIN 27.1% of the unemployed in the 3rd quarter of 2021 became employed in the 4th quarter of 2021. Between 2020 and 2021, that proportion was 48.8% In the 4th quarter of 2021, compared to the previous quarter: • Of the unemployed: » 52.8% (168,200) remained in that condition; » 27.1% (86.5 thousand) became employed; » 20.1% (64.0 thousand) became inactive. • Concerning those who became employed: » Approximately one in three are short term unemployed (32.7%; 54.0 thousand); » One in six people belong to the "potential labour force" (17.4%; 31,200); • A total of 9.9% (72,900) of self-employed people became employees; • 1.9% (77.7 thousand) of the employees moved to self-employment; • One in every five employees who had a fixed-term or other types of contract now has an open-ended contract (20.3%; 143.2 thousand); • Of those who remained employed, 3.6% (168,400) changed jobs. The results for the 3rd quarter of 2021 concerning the flows between labour market status for the population aged 15-74, released by Eurostat on the 13th January 2022, show that: • The proportion of people in Portugal who were unemployed in the second quarter of the same year and who moved on to employment (28.8%) was 2.8 percentage points (p.p.) higher than the figure for people in the same circumstances in the EU as a whole; • In the same period, around one in four of the unemployed people in Portugal moved into inactivity, while in the European Union this flow represented around one in five; • Except for the two previous flows, the differences between Portugal and the European Union do not exceed, in absolute value, 1.0 p.p. Quarterly labour market flows of the population aged 15 to 74 in the European Union (EU-27) and Portugal (in % of initial status) – 3rd quarter of 2021 96.7 1.0 2.3 28.8 51.0 20.2 4.6 3.6 91.8 96.2 1.3 2.6 26.0 49.8 4.2 5.5 3.5 91.0 Remained employed From employment to unemployment From employment to inac�vity From unemployment to employment Remained unemployed From unemployment to inac�vity From inac�vity to employment From inac�vity to unemployment Remained inac�ve European Union (EU-27) Portugal