Monthly Statistical Bulletin, february 2022

2022 Edition 26 MONTHLY STATISTICAL BULLETIN In 2021, 13.5% of the Portuguese population and 10.7% of children lived in material and social deprivation In 2021: • 13.5%of the Portuguese population belonged to households that were materially and socially deprived; • When considering children under 16, the percentage suffering from material and social deprivation was 10.7%; Items of material deprivation affecting the population aged less than 16 years old, Portugal, 2021(%) • When considering the adults with minor children outside the household: » More than half were aged 40 to 44 (29.1%) or 45 to 49 (23.1%); » 93.8% were male; » Despite the restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, 41.6% reported having shared face-to-face time with their children outside the household every week (at meals, play, homework, outings, conversations, commuting home/school...), and 15.9% reported having done so every day; » 42.3% reported that they contacted their children outside the household every day via phone, video call, or social media; 32.1% did so every week; • The majority of minor children outside the household were aged 10 to 13 years (29.0%) or 14 to 17 years (31.2%). Adult population with minor children living outside the household by time spent in shared custody (%) More information is available at: Income and living conditions - 2021 – Childrens’ health and material deprivation and Separated and blended families modules 22 February 2022 1.5 1.6 4.3 6.6 9.7 15.5 Unable to invite friends occasionally to play or eat together Unable to celebrate special occasions Unable to replace worn-out clothes with some new ones (excluding second-hand clothing) Unable to par�cipate in paid school trips and ac�vi�es Unable to regularly par�cipate in an extracurricular or leisure ac�vity Unable to afford one week’s annual holiday away from home 15.9 41.6 40.7 Every day Every week (but not every day) Less than once a week