Monthly Statistical Bulletin, April 2022

2022 Edition 44 MONTHLY STATISTICAL BULLETIN In April 2022: • The Consumer Confidence Indicator increased slightly, reversing the sharp decline registered in March, which was only surpassed by the one registered two years ago, at the beginning of the pandemic; The balance of Consumers' expectations on future price developments decreased, after having registered the highest increase of the series in the previous month, which exceeded by a wide margin the previous maximum value; • The economic climate indicator also increased slightly, after the moderate decrease in March; Economic Climate Indicator Confidence indicators (BER*) (monthly seasonally adjusted basic series values) Consumers Confidence Indicator Manufacturing Industry Confidence Indicator The consumer confidence and economic climate indicators increased * BER – Balance of extreme responses 2.2% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 -32.9 -19.0 -53.1 -70.0 -60.0 -50.0 -40.0 -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 Total Financial situa�on of the households over the last 12 months General economic situa�on in the country over the next 12 months -1.5 6.1 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 Total Produc�on over the next 3 months