Monthly Statistical Bulletin, April 2022

APRIL 2022 21 Indirect taxes, with an increase of 10.6%, were the component that most contributed to the increase in tax revenue, as a result of: • An increase of 13.4% in Value-added tax revenue (-10.6% in 2020); • A 7.7% increase in revenue from the tax on oil and energy products; • Increases in revenue from: » Municipal tax on the real estate transfer: +37.1%; » Stamp tax: +10.4%; » Municipal real estate tax: +2.1%. Only revenue from taxes on tobacco and motor vehicles registered reductions: -0.1% and -3.0%, respectively. In 20202, excluding taxes collected by the European Union institutions, Portugal continued to have a tax burden (35.1%)3 lower than the European Union average, which was 40.3%. In 2020, among the 27 member states, Portugal ranked 10th in the list of the member states with the lowest tax burden, lower than, for example, Spain (36.7%), Greece (38.6%), and Italy (42.6%). Tax burden in the EU27 countries in 2020 2 At the time of the press release on which this synthesis was based, the 2021 data for the European Union countries were not yet available. 3 Eurostat data on tax revenue does not consider taxes received by the institutions of the European Union (essentially customs duties and contributions to the Resolution Fund). Using this concept, the tax burden in Portugal was 35.1%, which compares with 35.3% if the revenue from those taxes is included. Ireland Romania Malta Bulgaria Lithuania Latvia Estonia Cyprus Slovakia Portugal Poland Czechia Hungary Spain Croa�a Slovenia Luxembourg Greece Netherlands Germany Finland Austria Italy Belgium Sweden France Denmark % of GDP 19.9 35.1 36.7 38.6 42.6 47.9 40.3 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 EU27 More information is available at: Tax revenue statistics – 2021 8 April 2022