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Publication cover

Paper Paper
Industrial Production Statistics - 2020
Issue year: 2021

This publication presents the main findings of the Annual Survey on Industrial Production (Prodcom Survey) for the year 2020.

The description of industrial production was based on harmonized methodologies and lists of products compliant with the European Union, according to the Council Regulation (EEC) 3924/91 of 1991.12.19 and Regulation (CE) 912/2004 of 2004.04.29.

From 2012 IAPI has improved coverage and new calculation method, reasons why the data are not directly comparable with previous years. For a better understanding of the results released, we suggest the reading of the Methodological Note, Concepts and Definitions.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Estatísticas da Produção Industrial : 2020. Lisboa : INE, 2021. Available at www: <url:>. ISSN 0872-9298. ISBN 978-989-25-0581-7

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