Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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Your search found the following number of results (in 0.426 seconds):

 total 1026
 Area  Results 
 Publications 938
 Press releases 73
 Studies 15

  1. Agri-Industry Statistics - 1996 - 2000

    22 February 2002
    This publication consists in the characterization of the Milk and Dairy Products section, in the period of 1996-2000. It is organized in four chapters with information on milk collecting, industrial ...

  2. 15 February 2002
    This publication presents statistical information on Tax Revenues concerning the year 1998. The present edition comprises two sections: General Context and Statistical Tables. General Context ...

  3. 25 October 2001
    In a general way, the main goal of the FFS 1997 was to understand the new patterns of fertility and family formation in Portugal, enabling, among other things, the characterisation of the current ...

  4. 26 July 2001
    This work comprises two volumes and manages to combine the social aspects usually covered by this kind of compendium – demography and economy in their multiple issues (population, cities, ...

  5. 10 July 2001
    he promotion of the economic and social development of cross-border regions has been highly discussed within the Portuguese and Spanish Governments, mainly after they both joined the European Union. ...

  6. 10 July 2001
    The promotion of the economic and social development of cross-border regions has been highly discussed within the Portuguese and Spanish Governments, mainly after they both joined the European Union.  ...

  7. 27 June 2001
    The Revista de Estudos Regionais (Regional Studies Review), now in its second year of issue, is targeted at demonstrating the potential to exploit statistical information and to conduct an in-depth ...

  8. 19 April 2001
    As a follow-up to a publication intended to be released on an annual basis, Statistics Portugal presents the second edition of Indicadores Sociais (Social Indicators), first released in 1999. As in ...
  9. Statistical Review - 2nd Four-month 2000

    23 October 2000
    The Revista de Estatística (Statistical Journal), a publication which is markedly of a scientific nature, releases original articles on: scientific research and analysis; studies and analyses ...
  10. Portuguese Food Balance - 1990 - 1997

    24 June 1999

  1. The international return migration as phenomenon of the international crisis
    28 July 2011
    PDF | 674 KB
    Since the last decade of last century, international migration has emerged as a topic of great importance to Brazil and Portugal. While the former has become a country of emigration became the second  ...
  2. European Union: an open space by different populations (companionship diversity)
    10 March 2008
    PDF | 665 KB
    The framework of this article is the European Union statement “Together in Diversity” and the involvement of several states and people in a project of European integration, which combines  ...
  3. Present and resident population by sex and age through the Censuses
    02 October 2002
    PDF | 302 KB
    One of the main difficulties encountered by users of statistical information is the possibility of comparing data in a long time series. Bearing this constraint in mind, the main goal of this study ...
  4. Foreign employers in Portugal : what the Census highlight
    12 May 2014
    PDF | 619 KB
    The European Commission has been encouraging Member States to acknowledge the essential contribution that immigrant entrepreneurs have to a sustainable growth and the increase of employment. In ...
  5. Aid, development and statistics: a satellite account in the system of national accounts
    05 February 2001
    PDF | 120 KB
    The importance of the aid flows in the developing countries justifies analysing its subsequent accounting in the System of National Accounts accordingly the OECD definition of aid. The National ...
  6. Tendências recentes da engenharia dos sistemas estatísticos nacionais nos países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa
    17 July 2000
    PDF | 193 KB
    The article characterise the reform of the National Statistical Systems (NSS) carry out by the African Portuguese Speaking Countries (APSC) on the sequence of the political, economic and social ...
  7. Family framework of people with disabilities: an exploratory analysis of the results of the 2001 Census
    01 August 2003
    PDF | 137 KB
    The study of people with disabilities and their family framework recently received an important contribution when the final results of the 2001 Census became available. Taking a first-hand look at ...
  8. Work organisation and working time arrangements - Labour Force Survey ad hoc module 2015
    17 June 2016
    PDF | 219 KB
    Statistics Portugal publishes the results of the Labour Force Survey ad hoc module 2015 on “Work organisation and working time arrangements”. This topic was analysed under three ...
  9. The ethnic segregation problematic - conceptual issues and operational limits: the case of Lisbon metropolitan area
    20 January 2005
    PDF | 1341 KB
    This paper is a contribution to the discussion of ethnic residential segregation. Its main objective is to clarify a group of concepts and test how these can be implemented. To this end, two main ...

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