Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Search results

Your search found the following number of results (in 0.100 seconds):

 total 466
 Area  Results 
 Publications 466


  1. 10 July 2001
    he promotion of the economic and social development of cross-border regions has been highly discussed within the Portuguese and Spanish Governments, mainly after they both joined the European Union. ...

  2. 10 July 2001
    The promotion of the economic and social development of cross-border regions has been highly discussed within the Portuguese and Spanish Governments, mainly after they both joined the European Union.  ...

  3. 27 June 2001
    The Revista de Estudos Regionais (Regional Studies Review), now in its second year of issue, is targeted at demonstrating the potential to exploit statistical information and to conduct an in-depth ...
  4. Statistical Review - 2nd Four-month 2000

    23 October 2000
    The Revista de Estatística (Statistical Journal), a publication which is markedly of a scientific nature, releases original articles on: scientific research and analysis; studies and analyses ...

  5. 25 November 1957

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