Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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Press releases

  1. Vital Statistics
    27 April 2022
    PDF | 979 KB
    In 2021, there were 79,582 live births of mothers residing in Portugal. This figure represents a decrease of 5.9% (4,948 fewer children) compared to the previous year. Of the total live births, 60.0%  ...

  2. A Year of Pandemic: a Brief Overview
    28 May 2021
    PDF | 859 KB
    The comparison of statistical results available for the first year of the pandemic (March 2020 to February 2021) with the pre-pandemic period (March 2019 to February 2020), allows to have a more ...

  3. Deaths by week
    30 April 2021
    PDF | 1021 KB
    Between April 5th and 18th (14th and 15th weeks), there were 1,992 and 1,948 deaths in Portugal, respectively, 203 and 170 fewer deaths than the 2015-2019 average. The number of deaths due to ...

  4. Deaths by week
    01 April 2021
    PDF | 1020 KB
    In weeks 10 and 11 (March 8th to 21st), there were 2,128 and 2,091 deaths in Portugal, respectively, 216 and 193 fewer deaths than the 2015-2019 average. The number of deaths due to COVID-19 was 129 ...

  5. Deaths by week
    19 March 2021
    PDF | 1025 KB
    In weeks 8 and 9 (February 22nd to March 7th), there were 2,506 and 2,299 deaths in Portugal, respectively, 8 and 174 fewer deaths than the 2015-2019 average. The number of deaths due to COVID-19 was  ...

  6. Deaths by week
    05 March 2021
    PDF | 732 KB
    In weeks 6 and 7 of 2021, there were 3,349 and 2,824 deaths in Portugal, respectively, 696 and 175 more deaths than the 2015-2019 average in those weeks. The number of deaths due to COVID-19 in those  ...

  7. Causes of Death
    01 March 2021
    PDF | 357 KB
    Strokes continued to be the main cause of death in 2019 (10,975), accounting for 9.8% of mortality and a crude mortality rate of 106.5 deaths of residents per 100 thousand inhabitants. Yet this ...

  8. Deaths by week
    19 February 2021
    PDF | 720 KB
    In weeks 4 and 5 of 2021, there were 4,711 and 3,825 deaths in Portugal, respectively, 1,878 and 1,131 more deaths than the 2015-2019 average. The number of deaths due to COVID-19 in those weeks was ...

  9. Deaths by week
    22 January 2021
    PDF | 439 KB
    In the first week of 2021 (January 4th to 10th) there were 3,634 deaths, 563 more deaths than in the last week of 2020 (3,071 deaths) and of 830 more deaths than the 2015-2019 average. Of the total ...

  10. Deaths by week
    11 December 2020
    PDF | 452 KB
    Between March 2nd, when the first cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in Portugal, and November 29th, there were 87,792 deaths in the national territory, an increase of 10,776 deaths in 2020 when ...

  11. Deaths by week
    13 November 2020
    PDF | 446 KB
    46.5% of the increase of deaths between october 5th and november 1st compared to the average of the last 5 years has been deaths by COVID-19 Between March 2nd, when the first cases of COVID-19 were ...

  12. Synthesis INE@COVID-19
    14 April 2020
    PDF | 929 KB
    Statistics Portugal synthesizes in its weekly report some of the most relevant statistical results released in the last days to monitor the social and economic impact of the pandemic COVID-19. This ...

  13. International Youth Day - 12 August
    11 August 2014
    PDF | 1837 KB
    Na última década, o número de jovens entre os 15 e os 29 anos reduziu-se em quase meio milhão em Portugal. Entre 2001 e 2011, em 302 dos 308 municípios portugueses,  ...

  14. Seminar/Conference
    20 November 2013
    PDF | 1433 KB
    Em Portugal a dimensão média das famílias reduziu-se significativamente em 50 anos, passando de 3,8 pessoas por família, em 1960, para 2,6 pessoas, em 2011. O casal (com e  ...

  15. Census
    20 November 2012
    PDF | 1158 KB
    A população residente em Portugal, à data do momento censitário (21 de Março de 2011) era de 10 562 178 pessoas, das quais 5 046 600 são homens e 5 515 578 ...

  16. Census
    30 June 2011
    PDF | 892 KB
    In Portugal there are 10,555,853 residents, 4,079,577 family households, and 5,879,845 dwellings in 3,550,823 buildings. (press release available only in Portuguese) ...

  17. Social indicators
    22 December 2006
    PDF | 238 KB
    Statistics Portugal releases the 2005 edition of ¿Indicadores sociais¿ (Social Indicators), wich discloses, yearly, the main statistical data of social nature. ...

  18. Resident population estimates
    07 August 2006
    PDF | 91 KB
    The population of Portugal maintains the ageing trend. At 31 December 2005, the resident population in Portugal was estimated at 10,569,592 (5,115,742 men and 5,453,850 women). The population growth ...

  19. Social indicators
    27 December 2005
    PDF | 130 KB
    The 2004 edition of the publication ¿Indicadores sociais¿ (Social Indicators) is available. Its main purpose is to update, on an annual basis, the main statistical data of social nature. ...

  20. Demographic studies review
    21 December 2005
    PDF | 69 KB
    Number 38 of the ¿Revista de Estudos Demográficos¿ (Demographic studies review) includes seven articles by different authors. ...

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