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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Electricity maintained its weight as the main source of energy consumed in households (43%), but it significantly increased in terms of expenditure: €751 by household in 2020, compared to €523 in 2010
Energy Consumption in Households
Definitive data - 2020
Electricity maintained its weight as the main source of energy consumed in households (43%), but it significantly increased in terms of expenditure: €751 by household in 2020, compared to €523 in 2010
02 November 2021


According to the final results of the Survey on Energy Consumption in Households (ICESD 2020), total energy consumption in households was 5,098 ktoe (kilotonnes of oil equivalent) in 2020, with energy consumption in vehicles used for individual transport of households’ residents representing 43.8% of the total (50.6% in 2010). The global energy consumption by household was 1.194 toe, including consumption in vehicles (1.501 toe in 2010). The total expenditure on energy by household was EUR 1,900, including expenditure in vehicles (EUR 1,843 in 2010).

Electricity remained the main source of energy consumed on households (43.1%; 42.6% in 2010). The expenditure with electricity accounted for more than half (69.9%; 62.2% in 2010) of the total spent on energy in households, corresponding to an average annual expenditure of EUR 751 by household (EUR 523 in 2010).

Biomass consumption increased and remained the second main energy source (27,2%). Natural gas consumption increased its importance in 2020 (11.5%; 9.0% in 2010).

Heating oil recorded an average expenditure of EUR 437/year (EUR 765 in 2010), the highest after Electricity, despite the consumption having decreased by around 58%.

The use of energy for Cooking continued to have the greatest weight (34.6%; 39.1% in 2010) compared to other final use in households, being the Electricity the main energy source for this final use.

There was a transition to low energy light lamps (LED), which in 2020 were used in 80% of households (3.2% in 2010).

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