Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Direct damage of the great fires, occurred in 2013, amounted to EUR 34.2 million
Fires of Large Dimension and Gravity
Direct damage of the great fires, occurred in 2013, amounted to EUR 34.2 million - 2013
08 May 2014


According to data reported by the municipalities affected, the direct damage of the five major fires (Caramulo, Picões, Trancoso, Mondim de Basto and Covilhã) occurred in 2013, is estimated to be around EUR 34.2 million (0.02% of GDP) corresponding to a burned area of 27 918 ha (0.30% of the national territory).
On the fire of Caramulo losses reached EUR 13.9 million (40.6% of total) followed by Picões with damages of around EUR 10 million, estimated value close to the losses suffered by the other three large fires (Trancoso, Mondim de Basto and Covilhã).
On the Caramulo fire, damages were mainly related to the loss of forest (88.8% of the damages reported for this fire). Tondela was the most affected municipality.
On the Picões fire, damages at agricultural level amounted to EUR 3.8 million (37.9% of total) and dealt mainly with the municipality of Mogadouro.
On the three other fires (Trancoso, Mondim de Basto and Covilhã), the damages in infrastructure were overall estimated at EUR 1.5 million, nearly half (46.1%) of the damages reported for the five fires. In Trancoso and Covilhã the major damages were recorded in terms of loss of agricultural potential, while in Mondim de Basto, the impacts were mainly on the forestry potential.

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