Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Search results

Your search found the following number of results (in 0.216 seconds):

 total 246
 Area  Results 
 Publications 221
 Studies 19
 Press releases 6

  1. Characterization of population and households living in Portugal, based on 2011 Census
    03 February 2014
    PDF | 510 KB
    This paper attempts to characterize the population and households living in Portugal, based on 2011 Census. The analysis of the final results was developed according to various themes: resident ...
  2. Population estimates by marital status, sex and age, Portugal, 2001-2003
    20 January 2005
    PDF | 203 KB
    This paper presents methods for calculating the post-censal population estimates by marital status, sex and age. The figures for the period 2001-2003 are also presented along with analyses of the ...
  3. Portuguese emigration (Retrospective statistics and thematic reflections)
    03 April 2006
    PDF | 577 KB
    The purpose of this article, regarding the professional experience of the author and some knowledge on methods and sources, is shows two or three questions on the statistical function in the context ...
  4. Place of birth versus Residence in Portugal 2011
    05 July 2017
    PDF | 4277 KB
    Although this study falls within the scope of migration statistics, the variables observed in the context of migration are based on the exchange between the place of birth and the usual residence ...
  5. Migrant persons
    03 August 2009
    PDF | 121 KB
    Two key messages from Cairo on international migration particularly important for the Portuguese delegation – human rights of all migrants and the right to family reunification – are the ...
  6. Lone-parent families
    02 July 2004
    PDF | 249 KB
    The main goal of this article is to briefly characterise the lone-parent family nucleus in Portugal in 2001, based on an exploratory statistical approach to the XIII and XIV General Population ...

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