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Your search found the following number of results (in 0.145 seconds):

 total 332
 Area  Results 
 Publications 298
 Studies 28
 Press releases 6


  1. 26 July 2001
    This work comprises two volumes and manages to combine the social aspects usually covered by this kind of compendium – demography and economy in their multiple issues (population, cities, ...

  2. 27 June 2001
    The Revista de Estudos Regionais (Regional Studies Review), now in its second year of issue, is targeted at demonstrating the potential to exploit statistical information and to conduct an in-depth ...

  3. 19 April 2001
    As a follow-up to a publication intended to be released on an annual basis, Statistics Portugal presents the second edition of Indicadores Sociais (Social Indicators), first released in 1999. As in ...

  1. Economic activity and inactivity of households
    01 August 2003
    PDF | 83 KB
    The goal of this study was to describe the main types of resident families in Portugal, based on a socioeconomic approach which focuses on the head of the family and uses the final results of the ...
  2. Brief sociography about reconstituted Portuguese families
    02 July 2004
    PDF | 536 KB
    The sharp rise in divorce rates in the past decades has led to the common practice of forming a new family through a new marriage or by living with a new partner. These new families often include the  ...
  3. Families in Portugal: a brief socio-demographic analysis based on the 1991 and 2001 censuses
    01 August 2003
    PDF | 107 KB
    Over the past decades, family practices and perceptions have undergone profound change in Portugal. The aim of this article is to briefly describe the main traits and changes in the family in ...
  4. Expenditure patterns of the large families in Portugal: characterisation based on the Household Budget Survey
    02 July 2004
    PDF | 448 KB
    The year of 2004 is the international family year, which is a good opportunity to disseminate some singularities about the expenditure patterns of the large families (five or more persons), as it is ...
  5. Net migration in the Alentejo Region from 1991 to 2001 and its effects in population change
    10 March 2008
    PDF | 660 KB
    In spite of the deepening of the negative balance between births and deaths of the Alentejo Region´s population in the decade of 80 of the last century, the 1991 and 2001 census data evidenced ...
  6. Mobilidade e território da Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo: pistas para uma análise integrada
    07 March 2002
    PDF | 383 KB
    A análise profunda da mobilidade populacional constitui um requisito essencial à definição e implementação de uma estratégia territorial de ...
  7. The demographic changes in Portugal
    02 October 2002
    PDF | 228 KB
    The Portuguese population is becoming older and its present size is the result of accelerated increase occurring over a short period of time. Migrations are currently the main factor affecting ...
  8. Cohabitation in Portugal
    01 August 2003
    PDF | 686 KB
    The overall aim of this study is to give greater visibility to the practice of people living together in Portugal and its processes of change over the past years. More specifically, we intend to ...
  9. Characterization of population and households living in Portugal, based on 2011 Census
    03 February 2014
    PDF | 510 KB
    This paper attempts to characterize the population and households living in Portugal, based on 2011 Census. The analysis of the final results was developed according to various themes: resident ...
  10. The demographic changes in Portugal
    20 January 2005
    PDF | 447 KB
    The current pace of population growth is the result of a strong and positive net migration. The decline fertility and infant mortality, the increase life expectancy, more rapid among men, and the ...
  11. A conditional quantile regression approach to returns to education in Portugal
    08 June 2001
    PDF | 122 KB
    There is wide evidence that wage inequality has grown in western countries for the period covering the eighties and the first half of the nineties. A very common belief rests on the assumption that a  ...
  12. Inter-regional migrations in mainland Portugal, 1992-1999
    27 June 2001
    PDF | 160 KB
    Available only in portuguese ...
  13. Avoidable mortality in mainland Portugal, 1989 to 1993
    02 October 2002
    PDF | 1316 KB
    The main goal of this article is to publish the distribution of ‘avoidable’ deaths in mainland Portugal, thus laying the groundwork for future research which may contribute to fine-tuning  ...
  14. The demographic changes in Portugal
    01 December 2003
    PDF | 316 KB
    The accelerating pace of population growth in the turning of the century is the result of a strong and positive net migration. The low fertility, the increase of expectancy of life, more rapid among ...
  15. Children as the starting point: the country and the family - an exploratory review
    02 July 2004
    PDF | 1148 KB
    During the nineties, sociological studies about children knew a notorious boom in all Europe, and this change is also perceptible in Portugal. Their access to statistical visibility as an age group ...
  16. The Demographic Studies Review ¿ historical perspective
    05 July 2017
    PDF | 1719 KB
    The Demographic Centre Studies Review was first published in 1945, to accomplish the mission assigned to the Demographic Studies Centre, a research body attached to Statistics Portugal. Its path ...

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