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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist activity main indicators rise in July
Tourism activity
Tourist activity main indicators rise in July - July 2007
12 September 2007

In July 2007, hotel activity registered 4.6 million overnight stays, accounting for a year-on-year change of 6.7%, compared with July 2006. Algarve was the main destination of residents (37.4%) and non residents (49.4%).
The net bed-occupancy rate was 55.5%, 2.8 p.p above compared with July 2006 and the average stay of 3.4 nights, was similar to the level registered an year ago.
Total income and income from hotel occupancy accounted for 210.4 million euros and 149.4 million euros, corresponding to year-on-year changes of 9.6% and 11.2%, respectively.
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