Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Rise in cereal yield and fall in olive oil production
Monthly Bulletin on agriculture, fishing and agro-industry
Rise in cereal yield and fall in olive oil production - April 2006
24 April 2006

Olive oil production is expected to reach around 350,000 hectolitres, which represents a 30% fall from the previous season. The main factor behind this was the decline in production as well as the weak industrial output of olive for olive oil production. The quality of the olive oil is good, due to the good health condition of the fruit. In February 2006 the chicken production declined slightly from the same month of the previous year (-0.5%), to reach 16,900 tons. Their average weight at slaughter was significantly higher, wherefore the fall in production was more marked in the number of head (-6.0%), which may be associated with fears related to the spread of the ¿bird flu epidemic¿.
Press release
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