Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Monitoring the social and economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic - 6th weekly report
Synthesis INE@COVID-19
Monitoring the social and economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic - 6th weekly report
11 May 2020


Statistics Portugal makes available the synthesis of the 6th weekly report of some of the most relevant statistical findings released for monitoring the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This report covers the Employment Statistics (1st quarter), published on 6 May, the Industry Turnover and Employment Indices (March 2020) and the International Trade Statistics (March 2020), both published on 8 May.
It presents some context indicators for analysis of the impact of the Pandemic on DGS (the national health authority) data on infected and deaths, integrating territory and demography, taking as reference unit the municipality and the data available on May 6 (2 weeks more than in the previous press release on the same theme).
It also presents the summary analysis of the results of the fourth week of the “Fast and Exceptional Business Survey - COVID-19”, carried out in collaboration with the Banco de Portugal.
For further details, see the links, for related information, available throughout this press release.

Press release
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