Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Tourist activity is expected to have accelerated in February 2020
Tourism activity
Flash Estimate - February 2020
Tourist activity is expected to have accelerated in February 2020
27 March 2020


The current pandemic is affecting the activity of most economic sectors, at national and global levels, particularly tourism. Given the concern that is being generated about this sector, Statistics Portugal decided to exceptionally release, in advance, statistics on tourist activity in February 2020 based on the primary information already collected up to March 24 in the scope of the Survey on guest stays in hotel establishments and other accommodations. This disclosure does not prevent the press release of the tourist activity in February, scheduled for April 15, in the usual way.
Understanding the seriousness of the situation, Statistics Portugal nevertheless calls on companies to continue to respond to the survey, which will include questions to characterize the current situation. This appeal is motivated by the need for information to assess the impact of the pandemic and to implement consequent public policies.
According to the flash estimate, in February 2020, the tourist accommodation sector should have registered 1.6 million guests and 3.9 million overnight stays, corresponding to year-on-year rates of change of +16.0% and +15.3% respectively (+12.2% and +7.6% in January 2020, in the same order). Overnight stays from residents will have increased by 27.2% (+12.1% in January) and those from non-residents will have grown 10.0% (+5.6% in January).


Press release
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