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Portugal and Spain: Iberian reality and comparisons in the European context
The Iberian Peninsula in figures
Portugal and Spain: Iberian reality and comparisons in the European context - 2019
21 February 2020


The population projections for the period 2040-2100, point to a reduction in the population: moderate in Spain (with values above those recorded in 2018, followed by an increase up until 2050) while sharp in Portugal (a third less compared to the values of 2018).
In the period 2009-2018, the average age of women at the birth of their first child increased continuously in both Iberian countries and has always been higher in Spain (in 2018: 29,8 years in Portugal; 30,1 years in Spain).
In 2018, in Portugal and in Spain, prices were generally lower than those in the EU28 (i.e. EU 28 = 100); the largest difference occurred in the aggregate “Restaurants and hotels” in Portugal (77.8). The exceptions were the aggregates “Communications” in both countries (Spain: 140.1; Portugal 119.7) and “Clothing and shoes” in Portugal (104.3).
In 2018, Spain caught the most fish of all the European Union countries: 879.4 thousand tonnes, corresponding to 21.8% of the total fish caught in the EU. Portugal stood quite behind at just 201.9 thousand tonnes, i.e. 5.0% of the total.
In 2018, tourists residing in the United Kingdom and in Germany were the ones that stayed the most nights in hotel establishments in both Iberian countries. In Portugal, tourists from the United Kingdom represented 21.0% of the total and those from Germany 13.2%; in Spain, residents from the United Kingdom represented 25.2% of the total and those from Germany 20.7%.
These and other themes are covered in the publication “The Iberian Peninsula in figures – 2019”.

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