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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

GVA of High growth companies increased by 24.9% between 2015 and 2017
Business Statistics Studies
High growth companies
GVA of High growth companies increased by 24.9% between 2015 and 2017
29 October 2019


Between 2015 and 2017, the GVA of High growth companies increased by 24.9%, two times more than the growth registered for the total companies in this period (12.3%).
In the high growth companies, more than 40% of the GVA was generated by companies with an export profile, compared to 33.0% in the total companies.
In 2017, High Growth Companies generated on average a GVA per company of EUR 2,027.1 thousand, more than 7 times the value generated by High Growth Micro Companies.
High Growth Micro Companies recorded the highest investment rate in 2017, around 30%. Gazelles registered the highest debt levels, above 70%, and the largest share of personnel expenses in GVA (84.2%).

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