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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Spectators increase 9.5% in live performances and museums with  more 13.5% visitors
Culture Statistics
Spectators increase 9.5% in live performances and museums with more 13.5% visitors - 2018
16 December 2019


In 2018, live performances recorded 16.9 million spectators (9.5% more than 2017), and €109 million in ticket office receipts (31.5% more than the previous year).
 Museums registered 19.5 million visitors, 13.5% more (2.3 million) than in 2017. Foreign visitors were almost half of total visitors (47.6%).
 Cinema’s spectators were 14.8 million and box office receipts reached €78.7 million; accounting for a 5.3% and 3.7% decrease, in that order, compared to 2017.
 Printed materials decreased: newspapers, magazines and other periodical publications lost 9.6% in total circulation (-9.5% in total copies sold and -9.9% in offered copies).
 The employed population in cultural employment was 131.4 thousand individuals (14.3 thousand more than in 2017).
 Cultural goods exports amounted to €167.6 million (a 6.9% decrease), while imports were €399.1 million (5.9% more) resulting in a trade balance deficit of €231.5 million (balance worsened by €34.7 million).
 In 2017, the turnover of enterprises engaging in cultural and creative activities reached €6.3 thousand million, 5.3% more compared to 2016. There were 61,916 enterprises, corresponding to an increase of 3,393 enterprises compared with the previous year.
 In 2018, Local government expenditure in cultural and creative activities rose to €469.8 million, 4.4% (€19.7 million) more when compared to 2017.

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