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Companies with an exporting profile represented on average 32.6% of the total turnover of non-financial companies
Business Statistics Studies
The exporting profile of companies
Companies with an exporting profile represented on average 32.6% of the total turnover of non-financial companies - 2010 - 2015
31 July 2017


In the period 2010-2015, there were on average 20 362 companies with an exporting profile in Portugal, representing 5.6% of the total number of non-financial companies, 32.6% of turnover and 21.5% of persons employed.
In the period under analysis, the average size of these companies, in terms of turnover and persons employed was, respectively, EUR 5 039 733 and 28 persons, comparing to EUR 621 196 and 6 persons in the companies without an exporting profile.
Among the companies with an exporting profile, 55.8% of the turnover was concentrated in the large companies, on average for the period under analysis.
In the period 2010-2015, companies with an exporting profile recorded, in general terms, better results in their economic and financial ratios, compared to companies without exporting profile. In 2015, half of these companies showed a growth, in their turnover, higher than 5.0% and an operating profitability of sales above 4.3. The financial autonomy of the companies with an exporting profile exceeded in 5.4 p.p. the result of the remaining companies.
The analysis of markets and goods transacted, only possible in companies with an exporting profile of goods, shows that in 2015 Spain, France and Germany stood out as the main destination markets and Machinery and mechanical appliances, Vehicles and other transport equipment and Mineral fuel as the main groups of products exported by these companies.

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