Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Employment in the Cultural and Creative Sector Increased
Culture Statistics
Employment in the Cultural and Creative Sector Increased - 2015
13 December 2016


In 2015, employment in the cultural and creative sector reached 85.2 thousand individuals, 8.7% above  the previous year level.
This population continued to be younger and with a higher education level than the one in the economy as a whole.
The cultural goods trade balance recorded a €94 million deficit, representing a 27% increase when compared with the previous year (€74 million in 2014)
The turnover of enterprises in cultural and creative activities was €4.5 billion in 2014, 2.3% more if compared to 2013
The local government expenditure in cultural and creative activities amounted to €392 million, 11.0% more when compared to 2014
Museums registered 13.7 million visitors, 1.9 million more than in 2014. Foreign visitors reached 5.3 million, almost 1 million more than the previous year.
Cinema spectator’s total number was 14.6 million and box office receipts €75 million, representing 20% more than the previous year for both categories.
Live performances reached 12.5 million spectators and €59.6 million ticket office receipts, representing 16.4% increase in spectators and a 15.4% decrease in ticket office receipts than 2014.


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