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Building permits and completed works accentuated negative trend in 2013
Construction and housing statistics
Building permits and completed works accentuated negative trend in 2013 - 2013
09 July 2014

The analysis of the stock house estimates points out that, in 2013 there were about 3.6 million classic residential buildings and 5.9 million dwellings, representing annual increase rates of 0.3% over 2012, for both indicators.
The number of building permits issued in Portugal decreased by 22.7% vis-à-vis the previous year (-17.0% in 2012), corresponding to 16,253 building permits approved. The new residential dwelling permits issued decreased by 35.2% over 2012, corresponding to 7,286 dwellings (-35.1% in 2012).
The number of works completed decreased by 11.0% vis-à-vis the previous year (+0.3% in 2012), corresponding to 23,079 buildings. The number of dwellings completed (about 26 thousand) has also decreased 23.6% in 2013 (+6.1% in 2012).
Data concerning House sales and House price index, shows that in 2013 the downward trend was interrupted in terms of the number of dwelling sales: year-on-year change rate of +4.4% in 2013, vis-à-vis -18.4% in 2012 and -28.0% in 2011.
Following a decrease of 7.1% in 2012, House price index and Average value of housing bank appraisals slowed the pace of the decreases (-1.9% and -2.8%, respectively, in 2013).

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