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COVID-19: What distinguishes the 19 parishes in a state of calamity from the rest of the AML?
Context indicators for the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal
Data until July 15
COVID-19: What distinguishes the 19 parishes in a state of calamity from the rest of the AML?
17 July 2020


The expression of the pandemic on national territory continues to be characterised by a high degree of heterogeneity, which has led to the declaration of differentiated territorial public policy measures. The continuing state of calamity in a group of 19 contiguous parishes of the Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML) - AML concentrated 64% of the new cases of the country in the 14 days ended on 13 July - motivated an in-depth analysis of this territory:
• The resident population in 2019 was estimated at 740 911 inhabitants, representing 25.9% of the approximately 2.9 million residents of the AML.
• The territory in a state of calamity has a higher settlement density. The population density in the territory in a state of calamity (5 232.1 inhabitants per km2) is seven times higher than in the rest of the AML territory and the proportion of buildings with 7 or more dwellings is also higher (30.6% vs. 13.9%).
• Residents of the territory in a state of calamity use public transport more often. In the territory in a state of calamity the proportion of trips outside the municipality using public transport is 14.0%, more than double than what is observed in the rest of the AML (6.7%).
• The territory in a state of calamity shows a lower value housing market. The value of dwellings’ prices and rents is lower in the state of calamity territory (1 330 €/m2 and EUR 7.5 €/m2, respectively) than in the rest of the AML (1 540 €/m2 and EUR 8.4 €/m2).
As usual in this series of press releases, the demographic context and the recent evolution of the pandemic throughout the country were analysed:
• The preliminary number of deaths between March 1 and July 5, 2020 was 3,103 higher than the number registered in the same period of 2019. This variation resulted mainly from the significant increase in deaths of people aged 75 and over (+ 2,718).
• On July 13, the date of the last information update at municipality level by the Directorate-General of Health, there were 45.7 cases of COVID-19 per 10 thousand inhabitants in Portugal and 4.7 new cases (last 14 days) per 10 thousand inhabitants. The analysis of the relationship between the number of confirmed cases and the number of new cases (last 14 days) per 10 thousand inhabitants showed ten municipalities in the Metropolitan Area of Lisboa with values above the national average in both indicators, which concentrated 54% of the total new cases in the country and 85% of the total new cases in the AML.

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