Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Monthly consumer survey - socio-demographic analysis
Business and consumer surveys
Socio-demographic analysis of the monthly consumer survey
Monthly consumer survey - socio-demographic analysis - April 2023
23 May 2023


The confidence indicator of consumers belonging to the highest income quartile (4th quartile) is systematically higher than that of the remaining quartiles, as a result of more favourable assessments of the past and future evolution of the financial situation of their household, as well as of the future evolution of major purchases. By level of education, the same is observed for respondents with higher education. Considering the breakdown by gender it is observed that the confidence indicator for male respondents systematically shows a higher level compared to the indicator obtained for female respondents, which occurs for all the questions that compose the indicator, less visibly on the question related with future major purchases. Finally, by age group, it is the youngest respondents, aged between 16 and 29 years old, who record a higher confidence indicator than the other age groups, which also occurs in all questions of the indicator, except for the question regarding future major purchases.

STATSLAB – Statistics in development

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