Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Draught affects the development of pasture and forage
Monthly Bulletin on agriculture, fishing and agro-industry
Draught affects the development of pasture and forage - January 2005
21 January 2005

In December, persistently dry and cold weather has affected growth of plants, pastures and forage, thus putting at risk feeding stocks for livestock population and leading to extraordinary recourse to forage stocks and industrial feed. The changes introduced in the aid scheme within the scope of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which uncouples aid from the production of arable crops (single payment scheme) has considerably modified the cereal structure of the country. Durum wheat surface cultivated fell sharply, partly offset by the rise in common wheat. Surfaces cultivated of triticale and oak are also expected to increase from the previous year. In November 2004 the slaughtering of cattle for human consumption increased from a year earlier, chiefly due to a rise in the slaughtering of cattle and pig. Chicken production and eggs for consumption point to a similar trend with 11.8% and 14.6% rises year-on-year respectively.
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