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COVID-19: a territorial view on demographic context and socioeconomic impact indicators - Data until July 01
Context indicators for the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal
COVID-19: a territorial view on demographic context and socioeconomic impact indicators - Data until July 01
03 July 2020


The impact of the pandemic continues to be characterised by high territorial heterogeneity. Some of the results obtained in this context:
• The preliminary number of deaths between 1 March and 21 June 2020 is 2 745 higher than the number registered in the same period in 2019. The positive variation compared to 2019 results mainly from the increase in the number of deaths in persons aged 75 and over (+ 2 509). In 155 municipalities the number of deaths registered between 25 May and 21 June was higher than the same reference value (average number of deaths in the same period in 2018 and 2019).
• In Portugal, for every 10,000 inhabitants there were 41.6 confirmed cases of COVID-19, representing an increase of 12% in relation to 17 June (13% between 17 and 3 June). The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 disease per 10 thousand inhabitants was above the national value in 44 municipalities.
• On 1 July, the relationship between the number of confirmed cases and the number of new confirmed cases (last 7 days) per 10 thousand inhabitants shows 10 municipalities in the Metropolitan Area of Lisboa with values above the national average in both indicators: Amadora, Moita, Sintra, Oeiras, Loures, Cascais, Lisboa, Odivelas, Vila Franca de Xira and Barreiro. These municipalities concentrated 64% of the total of new cases in the country and 89% of the total AML.
The progressive easing of restrictions on mobility and social contact for public health reasons since the declaration of the state of emergency has had an impact in the socioeconomic conditions whose territorial expression is analysed in this press release taking as a reference: (i) purchases through automatic payment terminals per inhabitant and (ii) information at the municipal level of employment centres. In this respect, the following general results are noteworthy:
• In May 2020, in all NUTS 2 regions, the value of purchases via automatic payment terminals per inhabitant increased compared to the previous month and the decrease compared to the same month of the previous year was lower than in April.
• In May 2020 and in all NUTS 2 regions of the Mainland Portugal, there was an increase in job placements and a decrease in the number of new unemployed registered in employment centres compared to April.
More territorial information with daily updates on the demographic context and the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Portugal is available in the application Dashboard | Context and Impact

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