Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Currently the number of real estate transactions is available at NUTS II level, in the indicator Transactions (No.) of housing units by geographical location (NUTS - 2013) and category of housing ...

Inflation (rate) information is compiled and published by INE on a monthly basis, currently on the eighth business day of the month to which it refers, and its availability may be followed in the ...

Thematic Folders correspond to a service supplied by Statistics Portugal on its website,accessible in "Products", where users have access to statistical information with the purpose of studying ...

In order to access the Digital Library you must select the respective option in the homepage of Statistics Portugal's website: Choose Products and then, Digital Library. ...

Suggestions may be submitted directly on the Statistics Portugal's website - Compliments, Suggestions and Complaints - (foot area) by completing an electronic form. As an alternative, you may send a ...

The Digital Library (only in PT version) is a depository of statistical publications digitised and issued by Statistics Portugal and other organisations from 1864 to 2000, totalling over 1 million ...

Access to all information, including publications, is free of charge and does not require prior registration. It is also possible to order specific products, such as hard-copy or CD-ROM publications. ...

No, Statistics Portugal only releases data on deliveries and voluntary terminations of pregnancy performed legally in hospitals. You can find these data in indicators available in Products> ...

You can consult the information in: - Press releases of the National Accounts on the Main Aggregates of Public Administrations - 2017 and on tax revenue statistics and related associated Excel ...

We suggest the analysis of the highlight on the Portuguese Food Balance , and the indicators available on our website, such as: Food availability per adult is almost twice the recommended consumption ...