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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

25 October: First day of data collection of the 2nd largest statistical operation in Portugal
Agricultural Census
25 October: First day of data collection of the 2nd largest statistical operation in Portugal
24 October 2019


The Agricultural Census (RA 2019) covers the entire national territory and aims to answer such important questions as: How
many farms are there, what areas and how many parcels do they have? Who works in agriculture? How are crops and livestock
distributed? How is it produced and how mechanized is agriculture? Where and how the irrigating farming is performed?
What agricultural production methods are used and what is the dissemination of pioneering crops? In this regard, it is recalled
that in the previous census, carried out ten years ago, 305 thousand farms were surveyed with a total area that represented
51% of the country's geographical area. The family labour force corresponded to 793 thousand people. In permanent crops,
olive groves and vines accounted for almost 3/4 of the total permanent crops.
This operation required a long period of preparation, with data collection in the field starting on 25 October and running until
May 2020. It will mobilize around 1,650 people, including INE interviewers, fixed-term contracts and permanent staff and will
have a decentralized infrastructure distributed across 42 analysis centres at national level.
The results will be reported to the European Commission in accordance with the applicable European Union regulation. RA
2019 was the subject of a specific resolution of the Council of Ministers (RCM 40/2018).
The success of this operation relies on the collaboration of all farmers, to whom INE thanks

Press release
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