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After final revision and acceptance of an article for publication, authors are requested to provide the corresponding LaTeX file to the e-mail:

Such E-mail message should include the author(s)’s name, mentioning that it has been accepted by REVSTAT.

The authors should also mention if figure files were included, and submit electronics figures separately in .pdf, .gif, .jpg, .png or .eps format.

Figures must be a minimum of 300 dpi.

 JOURNAL LaTeX2e Macros

The macros include the style and sample files.
To download, click on the link with the mouse right-button and choose "Save Target As".

PC Windows system (Zip format)

In some LaTeX installations, we have detected incompatibility issues concerning the "amsthm.sty" package (which is pre-loaded by "revstat.sty").
If the file "amsthm.sty" of your installation is prior to version 1.2d[1994/12/01] (in which case you may get errors like "Undefined control sequence. ...labelsep \the \thm@headfont \thm@indent...", when processing) please download also the following file and put it in the same directory than revstat.sty: amsthm.sty



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Last modified: 21-05-2021