S t a t i s t i c a l    J o u r n a l



In 1996 the National Statistical Institute (INE), well aware of how vital statistical culture is in understanding most phenomena in the present day world, and of its responsabilities in disseminating statistical knowledge, started the publication of the scientific statistical journal Revista de Estatística, in Portuguese, a quarterly publication whose goal was the publication of papers containing original research results, and application studies, namely in the economic, social and demographic fields.

In 1998 it was decided to publish papers in English. This step has been taken to achieve a larger diffusion, and to encourage foreign contributors to submit their work.

At the time, the editorial board was mainly composed by Portuguese university professors, and this has been the first step aimed at changing the character of Revista de Estatística from a national to an international scientific journal.

In 2001, the Revista de Estatística published a three volumes special issue containing extended abstracts of the invited and contributed papers presented at the 23rd European Meeting of Statisticians.

During the EMS 2001, its editor-in-chief invited several international participants to join the editorial staff.

The name has been changed to REVSTAT - STATISTICAL JOURNAL, published in English, with a prestigious international editorial board, hoping to become one more place where scientists may feel proud of publishing their research results.


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Last modified: 18-12-2002