Desporto em Números / Sport in Numbers - 2021

DESPORTO EM NÚMEROS \ 35 Em 2020, existiam 11 066 clubes desportivos (menos 3,2% do que no ano anterior) e 587 812 praticantes (-14,7%) inscritos nas Federações desportivas. O futebol foi a modalidade com maior número de praticantes (32,5% do total), seguida do voleibol (9,1%), andebol (7,7%) e basquetebol (4,7%). Nas modalidades com maior número de inscritos, os homens predominavam no futebol (94,1%), basquetebol (64,2%) e andebol (58,4%), enquanto as mulheres erammaioritárias na prática de voleibol (54,9%). As praticantes femininas destacaram-se ainda na ginástica (87,4%) e na patinagem (54,4%). Os praticantes de alto rendimento totalizaram 791, dos quais 62,1% eram homens e 37,9% eram mulheres. Do total, cerca de 5/6 tinham idade inferior a 30 anos. Em 2020, foram emitidos 6 792 títulos profissionais, dos quais 65,4% foram atribuídos a treinadores de desporto, seguidos dos técnicos de exercício físico (23,6%) e dos diretores técnicos (10,9%). DESPORTO FEDERADO | FEDERATED SPORT > In 2020, there were 11,066 sports clubs (-3.2% than in the previous year) and a total of 587,812 practitioners enrolled in sports federations (-14.7%). Football was the sport with the highest number of practitioners (32.5% of total), followed by volleyball (9.1%), handball (7.7%), and basketball (4.7%). In the sports with the highest number of members, men predominated in football (94.1%), basketball (64.2%), and handball (58.4%), while women were the majority in volleyball (54.9%). Female practitioners also stood out in gymnastics (87.4%) and roller skating (54.4%). High-performance sports practitioners totalled 791, of which 62.1% were men and 37.9% were women. Out of the total, about 5/6 were aged below 30 years. In 2020, were issued 6,792 professional licenses, of which stood out those assigned to Sport coach (65.4%), followed by Physical exercise technician (23.6%) and Technical director (10.9%).