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 Consolidated environmental expenditure (€) of non-profit institutions
Characteristic Description
Name Consolidated environmental expenditure (€) of non-profit institutions by Environmental domain; Annual
Regularity Annual
Source Statistics Portugal, Non-financial environment corporations expenditures survey
First available period 1998
Last available period 2022
  • Data reference period
  • Geographic localization (Portugal)
  • Environmental domain
  • NON-PROFIT INSTITUTIONS(NPIs):  These are legal or social entities created to produce goods or services whose status does not allow them to be a source of income, profit or other financial gains for the units that establish control or finance them. Any surpluses arising cannot be appropriated by other institutional units.NPIs can be created to provide services to the benefit of the people or companies that control or finance them or they may be created for charitable, philanthropic orsocial purposes, to provide goods or services to other needy people or their purpose may be to provide health or education services in return for payment but without profit. They may be created to promote the interests of lobbies within incorporate or political circles, etc.
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  The length of time for which data are collected, e.g. a specific day, month or year.
Measure unit (symbol) Euro (€)
Power of 10  3
Last update date 15/03/2024

information presented in 19/4/2024