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 Proportion of persons aged between 16 and 74 years old using e-commerce for private purposes in the first 3 months of the year (%)
Characteristic Description
Name Proportion of persons aged between 16 and 74 years old using e-commerce for private purposes in the first 3 months of the year (%) by Highest completed level of education; Annual
Regularity Annual
Source Statistics Portugal, Survey on ICT usage in private households
First available period 2008
Last available period 2023
  • Data reference period
  • Place of residence (Portugal)
  • Highest completed level of education
  • RESIDENT POPULATION:  The persons who regardless of the fact that at the moment of observation ' 0:00 a.m. of the reference day ' are present or absent in a given housing unit, this unit being where they live during most of the year with their family, or where they have all or most of their belongings.
  • EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS:  The degrees, diplomas, certificates, professional titles and so forth that an individual has acquired by study.
  • E-COMMERCE:  Orders received or placed on a webpage through an extranet or other application using the internet as a platform, such as EDI(by internet), Minitel (by internet) or another network application, irrespective of the device providing the access (e.g. by mobile phone, television, etc.).Payment and final delivery of the goods or services may be made on-line or off-line. In addition to all the internet transactions mentioned above, it also includes orders received or placed by EDI or any other on-line application using automated transactions (e.g. Minitel, interactive phone systems). Orders received or placed by fax or phone are not included.
  • REFERENCE PERIOD:  The length of time for which data are collected, e.g. a specific day, month or year.
Formule (Persons aged between 16 and 74 years old using e-commerce for private purposes in the first 3 months of the year/ Resident population aged between 16 and 74 years old)*100
Measure unit (symbol) Percentage (%)
Power of 10  0
Last update date 20/02/2024

information presented in 16/6/2024