Statistical tables First (given) name Size Type

Total jobs by industry (N.º; annual)

C.4.1.xls 57 Kb XLS

Total jobs by industry (change rate; annual)

C.4.2.xls 54 Kb XLS

Employees (jobs) by industry (N.º; annual)

C.4.3.xls 56 Kb XLS

Employees (jobs) by industry (change rate; annual)

C.4.4.xls 48 Kb XLS

Total employment by industry (N.º; annual)

C.4.5.xls 62 Kb XLS

Total employment by industry (change rate; annual)

C.4.6.xls 52 Kb XLS

Employees by industry (N.º; annual)

C.4.7.xls 61 Kb XLS

Employees by industry (change rate; annual)

C.4.8.xls 53 Kb XLS

Full-time equivalent employment by industry (N.º; annual)

C.4.9.xls 60 Kb XLS

Full-time equivalent employment by industry (change rate; annual)

C.4.10.xls 51 Kb XLS

Full-time equivalent employees by industry (N.º; annual)

C.4.11.xls 59 Kb XLS

Full-time equivalent employees by industry (change rate; annual)

C.4.12.xls 50 Kb XLS

Total hours worked by industry (N.º; annual)

C.4.13.xls 61 Kb XLS

Total hours worked by industry (change rate; annual)

C.4.14.xls 50 Kb XLS

Hours worked by employees and by industry (N.º; annual)

C.4.15.xls 61 Kb XLS

Hours worked by employees and by industry (change rate; annual)

C.4.16.xls 50 Kb XLS