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Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) (1) Medical appointments in external appointments unit (No.) of public hospitals of universal access and hospitals in public-private partnership by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Appointment´s medical speciality; Annual
Data reference period
Appointment´s medical speciality (2)
T: Total consultations01: General surgery02: Gynaecology03: Internal medicine04: Ophthalmology05: Orthopaedics06: Otorhinolaryngology / ENT medicine07: Medical paediatrics08: Psychiatry09: Other
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
PT: Portugal13 403 105 &797 423 &866 803 &566 637 &1 007 706 &881 886 &487 231 &676 243 &663 211 &7 455 965 &
1: Continente12 896 824 &770 471 &823 914 &538 896 &976 778 &855 035 &460 318 &653 760 &642 537 &7 175 115 &
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores305 957 &16 234 &21 538 &13 804 &18 081 &18 481 &20 792 &12 659 &14 438 &169 930 &
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira200 324 &10 718 &21 351 &13 937 &12 847 &8 370 &6 121 &9 824 &6 236 &110 920 &
Medical appointments in external appointments unit (No.) of public hospitals of universal access and hospitals in public-private partnership by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Appointment´s medical speciality; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Hospitals survey
(1) There are hospitals whose activity is reported by the respective hospital centre and, therefore, it is not possible to disaggregate them by municipality. In these cases, the criterion adopted is the location of the hospital centre.
(2) From 2011 onwards, the specialty of Gynaecology includes Gynaecology-Obstetrics appointments.

This data last updated:december 15, 2023