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Data reference periodGeographic localization (Portugal)Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2 B to H, J, K, M, Q) with innovation activities that hired or subcontracted workers with specific skills (2010 - %) by Employment size class and Type of skill; Biennial
Employment size class
T: Total
Type of skill
1: Graphic arts, layout or advertising2: Design of objects or services3: Multimedia4: Web design5: Software development6: Market research7: Engineering or applied sciences8: Mathematics, statistics or database management
% % % % % % % %
2008 - 2010PT: Portugal43,130,126,635,840,519,216,719,2
Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2 B to H, J, K, M, Q) with innovation activities that hired or subcontracted workers with specific skills (2010 - %) by Employment size class and Type of skill; Biennial - MCTES/GPEARI, Innovation community survey

This data last updated:december 07, 2012