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Data reference periodGeographic localization (NUTS - 2001)Bathing waters (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001), Type of bathing water and Quality classes; Annual (1)
Type of bathing water
T: Total
Quality classes
T: Total
2013PT: Portugal543
1: Continente448
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores58
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira37
Bathing waters (No.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001), Type of bathing water and Quality classes; Annual - Portuguese Environment Agency
(1) The total of bathing waters does not include "No Rating" waters, ie, the bathing waters that still can not be classified in terms of quality, in accordance with Directive 7/2006/CE, because they were not sampled in sufficient numbers or have not been complied with all the rules.

This data last updated:july 30, 2014