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Data reference period (1) Categories of pensions of social protectionExpenditures of social protection pensions by active person (€) by Categories of pensions of social protection; Annual (2)
Geographic localization (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
2021T: Total5 951 &
1: Disability561 &
2: Old age4 620 &
3: Survivors766 &
4: Early retirement benefits for labour market reasons4 &
2020T: Total5 966
1: Disability570
2: Old age4 638
3: Survivors754
4: Early retirement benefits for labour market reasons5
2019T: Total5 741
1: Disability570
2: Old age4 445
3: Survivors720
4: Early retirement benefits for labour market reasons5
2018T: Total5 583
1: Disability548
2: Old age4 337
3: Survivors692
4: Early retirement benefits for labour market reasons6
2017T: Total5 495
1: Disability591
2: Old age4 225
3: Survivors670
4: Early retirement benefits for labour market reasons9
Expenditures of social protection pensions by active person (€) by Categories of pensions of social protection; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Statistics of social protection - ESSPROS
(1) Data on the active population (Serie 2021) used in the calculation of the indicator from 2011 onwards have been calibrated on the basis of the annual active population estimates for the 2021 series. Therefore not directly comparable with those of previous years.
(2) As numbers are rounded up or down totals may not always correspond to the sum of the parts.

This data last updated:june 30, 2023