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Data reference period (1) Place of residence (Portugal)Deaths (No.) by Sex and Death cause; Annual (4)
Sex (2)
T: MF1: M2: F
Death cause (3)
T: Total
No. No. No.
2013PT: Portugal106 554 *54 184 *52 369 *
Deaths (No.) by Sex and Death cause; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Mortality by causes of death
(1) In some situations of previously ignored date of death, the use of the Sistema de Informação dos Certificados de Óbitos (SICO), which began in late 2013, allows for the assignment of a specific date of death, namely the date of autopsy/medical research. In 2016, nine new deaths occurred in 2013 were identified in the context of SICO. This fact leads to the review of the statistics of mortality by causes of death.
(2) The total number of deaths may not correspond to the sum of the partial figures by sex, due to the existence of records with unknown sex.
(3) In 2013, the Directorate-General of Health defined a change on the guidelines for the codification of the underlying causes of death related to some conditions of dementia and mental disorders, classified in "Mental and behavioural disorders (F00-F99)", while associated to other chapters of IC-10 in previous years. These changes concern coding specifications of F01- Vascular dementia, F03 - Unspecified dementia, G31 - Other degenerative diseases of nervous system, not classified elsewhere, I67.2 - Cerebral atherosclerosis.
In this sense, the Vascular dementia of acute onset, Vascular dementia multi-infarct dementia and the Vascular dementia unspecified now classified in F01 when there is an underlying organic cause reported on the death certificate (ceasing to be encoded in I67.2).
In parallel, the Dementia not specified or identified as senile dementia, or primary degenerative not otherwise specified, is now coded in F03 when it is not informed an organic antecedent cause on the death certificate (leaving to be coded in I67.9 - Cerebrovascular disease not specified).
Finally, the senile cerebral degeneration, not elsewhere classified, became codified in G31 when it is not informed an underlying organic cause on the death certificate (leaving to be coded in I67.2).
(4) International Classification of Deseases
7th revision: until 1970
8th revision: from 1971 to 1979
9th revision: from 1980 to 2001
10 th revision: since 2002

This data last updated:february 11, 2016