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Data reference periodPlace of residence (Portugal)Daily average duration of the remunerated and not remunerated works (h) by Sex and Type (tasks); Irregular (1)
T: MF1: M2: F
Type (tasks)
1: Paid work2: Unpaid work1: Paid work2: Unpaid work1: Paid work2: Unpaid work
h h h h h h
1999PT: Portugal7,53,97,91,97,05,0
Daily average duration of the remunerated and not remunerated works (h) by Sex and Type (tasks); Irregular - Statistics Portugal, Time use survey
(1) População com 15 ou mais anos. Foram considerados apenas os indivíduos que efetivamente realizaram cada atividade. Trabalho remunerado-trabalho profissional, trabalho não remunerado-trabalhos domésticos; cuidados com a família.

This data last updated:january 19, 2009