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Data reference period (1) Crude marriage rate (‰); Annual (3)
Place of registration (Country) (2)
PT: Portugal
Crude marriage rate (‰); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Demographic indicators
(1) 2021: revised values in March 2023, according to the 2021 Provisional Resident Population Estimates.
2011-2020: revised values in March 2023, according to the 2011-2020 Final Resident Population Estimates series.
(2) For public health reasons - Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic - on 18th March 2020, the first state of emergency was enacted in Portugal, through the Decree of the President of the Republic no. 14-A / 2020, regulated by Decree no. 2-A / 2020. The resulting restrictions had an impact on the lives of citizens, including mobility and social contacts. Statistical data on marriages celebrated in 2020 and in 2021 should be read in this context.
(3) Law No. 9 / 2010, from May 31st, legalized civil marriage between same-sex individuals. From 2010, figures include same-sex civil marriages.

This data last updated:june 15, 2023